Pool & Spa Safety Checklist Program
The Drowning Prevention Coalition of Arizona is partnering with the National Injury Prevention Council and Colin’s Hope to offer the Pool & Spa Safety Checklist Program. With this checklist, our goals are to reduce injuries and drownings in backyard pools and spas.
We know that if we can reach pool and spa owners in their backyards, we will reduce injuries and fatalities. With a few minutes of one-on-one safety awareness and education on Layers of Protection, we can help save lives from drowning.
Each year drowning kills approximately 830 children in the United States.
Over half of these drowning incidents occur in residential pools and spas. Plus, an additional 3,600 non-fatal child drowning incidents send children to the hospital each year.
This program is designed to provide the education necessary for pool and spa owners to make decisions about their backyard environment. Even though we cannot eliminate all risk, pool and spa owners will have the information needed to make their pool or spa environment safer. That difference could directly affect your life and your business. The Pool & Spa Checklist Program is designed to provide education directly to the pool owner in their backyard where it is needed. Request your safety check today.
No one believes that a drowning incident will occur in their backyard. By providing the Pool & Spa Checklist, you will be able to offer information, education, advice, tips and recommendations to help pool and spa owners improve and increase layers of protection. Pool and spa owners will be better educated on the options available to provide additional layers of protection to their particular backyard that may change their routines and behaviors around their pool and spa.
Drowning is Preventable and together we can save lives.
If you have questions about the Pool & Spa safety check or if you are interested in becoming a trained volunteer for the program, contact us at safetychecklist@preventdrownings.org