Board Member

Angela Clark

Angela owns and operates LizardPools LLC a pool service & repair company, since March, 2013.  She is a member (since 10/2015) & secretary (since 01/2016) of the East Valley Chapter of the Independent Pool & Spa Service Association (IPSSA) and is the Education Coordinator for the Desert Pool & Spa Show.

For me, water safety is not some much a passion as it is a given.  Between growing up in the summers at the community pool and having a family that enjoys recreational water sports (specifically wakeboarding), water safety was no different than “look both ways before you cross the street”, “don’t open the door for strangers”, “don’t take candy from strangers”, or “don’t touch the stove top, it could be hot”.  Realizing that for some people, water safety is not right alongside these basic childhood safety lessons was an awakening.  In my childhood house, lessons like “reach or throw, don’t go” and “never swim alone” where just a common and I’d like to see that more for other people/families.